
Camp Theme: "Fix Our Eyes on Jesus" (Hebrews 12:2)
1. To connect with God
2. To reconnect with one another as one family
Guest Speaker:
Our guest speaker for the retreat will be Rev. Dr. Thien Doan - pastor, church planter, consultant, and author with over two decades of ministry experience with Masters and Doctorate degrees. Formerly from Gardena Valley Baptist Church, Thien is now on staff with JEMS where he works with local churches to grow vibrant disciple-makers.
March 21-23, Friday 5 pm - Sunday 1 pm,
Palomar Christian Conference Center
34764 Doane Valley Rd.
Palomar Mountain, CA 92060
(760) 742-3400
$261 per Adult (18 years old and older)
$150 per Child (12 years to 17 years old)
$100 per Child (6 years to 11 years old)
$50 per Child (2 years to 5 years old)
* Includes lodging and 5 meals buffet-style (3 meals on Saturday, breakfast and lunch on Sunday), lodging, and meeting room.
** Child prices have been subsidized for LA Holiness family members.
Motel-style room w/ bedding and towels
Each room has its own restroom w/ shower
Pictures of lodging can be found at https://www.palomar.camp/spruce-lodge
Other options:
If you are only able to attend for a portion of the weekend (and require accommodations and/or meals), or if you need a financial assistance, please contact Pastor Michael or Satoshi. We don't want finances to stop you from joining us.
As of 3/5, there is 1 motel and 1 dormitory accommodation available. If you are still interested, please register at the link below.
In order to secure your registration, payment must be received by March 16. If paying by check, please make checks out to LA Holiness Church - include “Church Retreat” on Memo. If paying by Zelle, please include “Church Retreat” in the message.
For those who are registered, please fill the Liability Form at the link below and either bring it with you to the retreat or give it to our retreat registrar, Val Oishi.
Tentative Camp Schedule:
Friday, March 21st
5:00 pm - Registration
6:00 pm - Dinner (bring your own dinner)
7:00 pm - Welcome
7:30 pm - Free time / Campfire
11:00 pm - Quiet Hour
Saturday, March 22nd
8:00 am - Breakfast
9:00 am - Group Activities
10:00 am - Morning Session / Children Program
11:00 am - Small Group Discussion / Children Program
12:00 pm - Lunch
12:50 pm - Camp Photo
1:00 pm - Free Time / Afternoon Activities
5:30 pm - Dinner
6:30 pm - Group Activities
8:30 pm - Game Night
11:00 pm - Quiet Hour
Sunday, March 23rd
8:00 am - Breakfast
9:00 am - Group Activities (Lodging must be vacated by 9 am)
10:00 am - Worship Service / Children Program
11:30 am - Clean up
12:00 pm - Lunch
1:00 pm - Go Home

The Introduction to the Christian Faith class has begun. This class will explore the basic foundational blocks of what the Bible teaches. This is also for those who want to help others understand the basics of the Christian faith. Pastor Michael and David Lee will teach this class. We will meet again this Sunday, March 9 at 11:45 am in the conference room or online via Zoom at the link below.

Our next LifeGroup series will be from March 4th - April 11th and will focus on disciple-making. As we all know, Jesus commissioned Christians to make followers of Jesus. Many ask, how can I make disciples? In our next LifeGroup series, we will study key principles for how Jesus discipled others and how we can also put them into practice. We invite you to join one of our many LifeGroups and learn how we can fulfill the Great Commission. Click on the link below for a schedule and the various LifeGroups available throughout the week. We hope you can find one that best fits your schedule. For more information, please feel free to contact any of our LifeGroup shepherds or Pastor Michael.